Chapter 6. Exercise続き †

Exercise 1 (吉岡) †


type figure=Point|Circle of int|Rectangle of int*int|Square of int;;
type loc_fig={x:int;y:int;fig:figure};;


let square x = x*x;;
let check x y z =if square(x)<=square(z) && square(y)<=square(z) then true else false;;
let check2 x y =if square(x)<=square(y) then true else false;;
let rec overlap a b=
match (a.fig,b.fig) with
(Circle r1,Circle r2)->if (square(a.x-b.x)+square(a.y-b.y))<=square(r1+r2)then true else false
|(Square r1,Square r2)->check(a.x-b.x) (a.y-b.y) ((r1+r2)/2)
|(Rectangle (rx1,ry1),Rectangle (rx2,ry2))->(check2 (a.x-b.x) ((rx1+rx2)/2)) && (check2 (a.y-b.y) ((ry1+ry2)/2))
|(Square r1,Rectangle (rx2,ry2))->check (a.x-b.x) (a.y-b.y) ((r1+rx2)/2)
|(Rectangle (rx2,ry2),Square r1)->overlap(b,a);

Exercise 6 (小笠原) &dagger;

Exercise 7 (けいご) &dagger;

type arith = 
  Const of int | Add of arith * arith | Mul of arith * arith;;

(* e1 は Const または Mul *)
let rec mul' e1 e2 = match e2 with
    Add (e21,e22) -> Add (mul' e1 e21, mul' e1 e22)
  | Mul (e21,e22) -> Mul (e1, Mul (e21,e22))
  | Const i     -> Mul (e1, Const i)

let rec mul e1 e2 = match e1 with
    Const i -> mul' (Const i) e2
  | Mul (e11,e12) -> mul' (Mul (e11, e12)) e2
  | Add (e11,e12) -> Add (mul e11 e2, mul e12 e2);;

let rec expand = function 
    Const i -> Const i
  | Add (e1,e2) -> Add (expand e1,expand e2)
  | Mul (e1,e2) -> mul (expand e1) (expand e2);;

let rec string_of_arith = function
    Const i -> string_of_int i
  | Add (e1,e2) -> "(" ^ string_of_arith e1 ^ "+" ^ string_of_arith e2 ^ ")"
  | Mul (e1,e2) -> "(" ^ string_of_arith e1 ^ "*" ^ string_of_arith e2 ^ ")"

Exercise 8 (樋口) &dagger;


まず,テキストより,2分木および,add, mem, preorderの定義があるとする.

type 'a tree = Lf | Br of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
let rec mem t x = 
   match t with 
    Lf -> false
   |Br (y,left,right) -> if x = y then true else
                         if x < y then mem left x else mem right x
let rec add t x = 
   match t with 
    Lf -> Br (x,Lf,Lf)
   |(Br (y,left,right) as whole) -> if x = y then whole else
                               if x < y then Br(y, add left x, right)
                                        else Br(y, left, add right x)
let rec preorder t l = 
   match t with 
    Lf -> l
   |Br(x, left, right) -> x :: (preorder left (preorder right l));;

基本方針は,[1;2;3;4]から順列を作り出し, それらをaddして得られたtreeをpreorderでめぐり, preorderがユニークなら新たな形の木として残し, addへの入力した列を保存してゆく.

excerciseの目標 [1;2;3;4] -> [(addへの入力のリスト)]
makeUniqTreeInputs? と同様だが,返すものがaddへ入力後のtreeのリストを得る.
permutationで利用. ex. prefix [2;3] -> [[]; [2]; [2;3]]
permutationで利用. ex. suffix [2;3] -> [[2;3]; [3]; []]
permutationで利用. ex. interleave 1 [2;3] -> [[1;2;3]; [2;1;3]; [2;3;1]]
let rec prefix = function
   [] -> [[]]
  |x::xs -> [] :: ( (fun el -> x::el) (prefix xs))
let rec suffix = function
   [] -> [[]]
  |x::xs -> (x::xs)::(suffix xs)
let interleave el l =
   let pl = (prefix l) and sl = (suffix l) in
    (List.map2 (fun a b -> a @ el :: b) pl sl)
let rec permutation  = function
   [] -> [[]]
  |x::xs -> List.flatten ( (fun e -> (interleave x e)) (permutation xs))
let rec makeSTree = function
   [] -> Lf
  |x::xs -> add (makeSTree xs) x
let makeUniqTreeInputs nodes = 
  let addTree input set =
   let pord = (preorder (makeSTree input) []) in
    if List.mem pord (fst set) then set else ((pord::(fst set)),input::(snd set))
  let rec addTrees nodel set = 
   match nodel with 
    [] -> (set)
   |x::xs -> addTree x (addTrees xs set)
   snd (addTrees (permutation nodes) ([],[]))
let makeUniqTrees nodes =
   let rec input2trees = function []->[]|x::xs -> (makeSTree x)::(input2trees xs) in
   input2trees (makeUniqTreeInputs nodes);;

実行結果 &dagger;

# makeUniqTreeInputs [1;2;3;4];;
- : int list list =
[[1; 2; 3; 4]; [2; 1; 3; 4]; [2; 3; 1; 4]; [2; 3; 4; 1]; [3; 1; 2; 4];
 [3; 2; 1; 4]; [3; 2; 4; 1]; [3; 4; 1; 2]; [3; 4; 2; 1]; [4; 1; 2; 3];
 [4; 2; 1; 3]; [4; 2; 3; 1]; [4; 3; 1; 2]; [4; 3; 2; 1]]
# makeUniqTrees [1;2;3;4];;
- : int tree list =
[Br (4, Br (3, Br (2, Br (1, Lf, Lf), Lf), Lf), Lf);
 Br (4, Br (3, Br (1, Lf, Br (2, Lf, Lf)), Lf), Lf);
 Br (4, Br (1, Lf, Br (3, Br (2, Lf, Lf), Lf)), Lf);
 Br (1, Lf, Br (4, Br (3, Br (2, Lf, Lf), Lf), Lf));
 Br (4, Br (2, Br (1, Lf, Lf), Br (3, Lf, Lf)), Lf);
 Br (4, Br (1, Lf, Br (2, Lf, Br (3, Lf, Lf))), Lf);
 Br (1, Lf, Br (4, Br (2, Lf, Br (3, Lf, Lf)), Lf));
 Br (2, Br (1, Lf, Lf), Br (4, Br (3, Lf, Lf), Lf));
 Br (1, Lf, Br (2, Lf, Br (4, Br (3, Lf, Lf), Lf)));
 Br (3, Br (2, Br (1, Lf, Lf), Lf), Br (4, Lf, Lf));
 Br (3, Br (1, Lf, Br (2, Lf, Lf)), Br (4, Lf, Lf));
 Br (1, Lf, Br (3, Br (2, Lf, Lf), Br (4, Lf, Lf)));
 Br (2, Br (1, Lf, Lf), Br (3, Lf, Br (4, Lf, Lf)));
 Br (1, Lf, Br (2, Lf, Br (3, Lf, Br (4, Lf, Lf))))]

おまけ &dagger;

let trees2dot inputs =
let rec trees2edges inputs delta=
 let rec tree2edges n = function 
   Lf -> "L" ^ (string_of_int n)
  |Br(x,left,right) -> (string_of_int (x+n))^"[label="^(string_of_int x)^"];"^ 
       match (left,right)with
        (Lf,Lf) -> ""
       |(Br(x1,_,_),Br(x2,_,_)) -> (string_of_int (x+n))^":sw ->"^(string_of_int (x1+n))^";"
                                  ^(string_of_int (x+n))^":se ->"^(string_of_int (x2+n))^";"
                                  ^(tree2edges n left) ^(tree2edges n right)
       |(Br(x1,_,_),Lf) -> (string_of_int (x+n))^":sw ->"^(string_of_int (x1+n))^";"
                          ^(tree2edges n left)
       |(Lf,Br(x2,_,_)) -> (string_of_int (x+n))^":se ->"^(string_of_int (x2+n))^";"
                          ^(tree2edges n right)
 in match inputs with [] -> ""
  |x::xs -> (tree2edges delta (makeSTree x) ) ^ " " ^ (trees2edges xs (delta+(List.length x)))
in "digraph forrest{ node [shape=box];"^(trees2edges inputs 0)^"}";;
trees2dot (makeUniqTreeInputs [1;2;3;4]);;

Exercise 9 (源馬) &dagger;


type 'a seq = Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a seq);;
let rec from n = Cons (n, fun () -> from (n + 1));;
let head (Cons (x, _)) = x;;
let tail (Cons (_, f)) = f ();;
let rec take n s = 
  if n = 0 then [] else head s :: take (n - 1) (tail s);;
let rec sift n f =
  if (head f) mod n = 0 
  then sift n (tail f)
  else Cons (head f, fun () -> sift n (tail f));;
let rec sieve (Cons (x, f)) = Cons (x, fun () -> sieve (sift x (f())));;
let primes = sieve (from 2);;
take 20 primes;;
let rec nthseq n (Cons (x, f)) =
  if n = 1 then x else nthseq (n - 1) (f());;
nthseq 1000 primes;;

sift n f は、Cons (整数, thunk) を返すようだ。
sieve (from 2)を見る。
sieve (from 2)を人間評価して見る。sieve (Cons (2, from 3)) = Cons (2, fun () -> sieve (sift 2 (from 3)));;
さあ、 sift 2 (from 3)) が登場した。

ちなみに、素数列は、Cons (2, Cons (3, Cons (5, ...) だ。
sieve (from 2)を実行した結果がそうなることを期待するのだから、経過として、

Cons (2, fun () -> sieve (sift 2 (from 3)))
Cons (2, Cons (3, fun () -> sieve (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 4)))))
Cons (2, Cons (3, fun () -> sieve (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 5)))))
Cons (2, Cons (3, Cons (5, fun () -> sieve (sift 5 (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 6)))))))
Cons (2, Cons (3, Cons (5, fun () -> sieve (sift 5 (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 7)))))))
Cons (2, Cons (3, Cons (5, Cons (7, fun () -> sieve (sift 7 (sift 5 (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 8)))))))))



2, fun () -> sieve (sift 2 (from 3))
2, 3, fun () -> sieve (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 4)))
2, 3, fun () -> sieve (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 5)))
2, 3, 5, fun () -> sieve (sift 5 (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 6))))
2, 3, 5, fun () -> sieve (sift 5 (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 7))))
2, 3, 5, 7, fun () -> sieve (sift 7 (sift 5 (sift 3 (sift 2 (from 8)))))


sift 2 (from 3)は、 Cons (3, fun () -> sift 2 (from 4)) を返すのだということがわかるまで。
sift 2 (from 4)は、4が2で割り切れることに気づき、ただちに次の数字をよこせと、(from 4)に要求する。それで、(from 5)をもらえて一安心。
sift 2 (from 5)は、Cons (5, fun () -> sift 2 (from 6)) を返す。
それを受け取った sift 3 Cons (5, fun () -> sift 2 (from 6)) は、5が3で割り切れないことに安心しつつ、Cons (5, fun () -> sift 3 (sift 2 (from 6)))を返す。

sift n fの定義は、
head fを見て、割り切れることに気づいたら、ただちにtail fでやり直す。
割り切れなかったら、安心しつつ、Cons (head f, fun () -> sift n (tail f)) を返す。

let rec sift n f =
  if (head f) mod n = 0 
  then sift n (tail f)
  else Cons (head f, fun () -> sift n (tail f));;

Chapter 7. Exercise &dagger;

Exercise 1 &dagger;


type 'a ref = { mutable contents : 'a};;

こんな定義の更新可能レコードと見て, 関数ref, 前置演算子!, 中置演算子:= をレコード操作で書け.

  • 関数ref
    # let ref x = { contents = x } ;;
    val ref : 'a -> 'a ref = <fun>
  • 前置演算子!
    # let ( ! ) x = x.contents ;;
    val ( ! ) : 'a ref -> 'a = <fun>
  • 中置演算子:=
    # let ( := ) x y = x.contents <- y;;
    val ( := ) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit = <fun>

Exercise 2 &dagger;


# let incr x = x := !x + 1;;
val incr : int ref -> unit = <fun>

Exercise 3 &dagger;

# let f = ref (fun y -> y+1)
  let funny_fact x = if x = 1 then 1 else x * (!f(x-1));;
# f := funny_fact;;
# funny_fact 5;;

let fは単に関数の参照が用意したいだけで,funで定義された関数の中身に意味は無い.(例えば let f = ref (fun y -> 1) でもOK)
f := funny_factによりfがfunny_factをさすようになる.

Exercise 4 &dagger;

# let fact_imp n =
   let i = ref n and res = ref 1 in
    while ( !i > 0 ) do
     res := !res * !i;
     i := !i - 1
val fact_imp : int -> int = <fun>

Exercise 5(みずの) &dagger;

let rec fact n = if n < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument "n should be positive")
                  else if n = 0 then 1
                  else n*fact(n-1);;

Exercise 6 (飯田) &dagger;

先週お話があった、値多相についての問題。 letで名前が与えられる式の右辺が値であるときのみ、その変数が多相的に使える。


# let x = ref [];;
val x : '_a list ref = {contents = []}

'_a listは一度だけ任意の型に置換できる型変数である。


# x := [1];;
# true :: !x;;

が許されてしまうのを防いでいる。xの型は[1]を代入したときに int list ref となる。

# true :: !x;;
Characters 8-10:
  true :: !x;;
This expression has type int list but is here used with type bool list

2 getとsetの定義。

# let (get, set) =
  	let r = ref [] in 
  	((fun () -> !r), (fun x -> r := x));;
val get : unit -> '_a list = <fun>
val set : '_a list -> unit = <fun>

getは !r 返す関数なので、unit -> '_a list

setは rにxを格納する関数なので、'_a list -> unit


# 1 :: get ();;
- : int list = [1]

この時点で参照 r の型が int list ref に置換されるので、

get : unit -> int list
set : int list -> unit


# 1.0 :: get();;
Characters 7-12:
  1.0 :: get();;
This expression has type int list but is here used with type float list

Exercise 7 (吉岡) &dagger;

元のプログラムだと、pointCのincを継承した時に、 setが処理されcol:=WhileのあるcpointC内のcsetが実行されていない。 そのため、cincをしても座標はセットされるが、白色がセットされない。


type pointI={get:unit->int;set:int->unit;inc:unit->unit};;

let pointC x this () ={
 get=(fun () -> !x);
 set=(fun newx -> x:=newx);
 inc=(fun () -> (this ()).set ((this ()).get () + 1))

let new_point x =
 let x = ref x in
 let rec this () = pointC x this () in
this ();;

相互再帰でsuper ()とthis ()を定義している。 super ()、this ()となっているのは、相互再帰が関数でのみ定義できるから。

type color=Blue|Red|Green|White;;
type cpointI={cget:unit->int;cset:int->unit;cinc:unit->unit;getcolor:unit->color};;

let cpointC x col=
  let rec super ()= pointC x (fun ()->{get=(this ()).cget;set=(this ()).cset;inc=(this ()).cinc}) ()
  and this ()=
    {cget=  (super ()).get;
     cset=  (fun x -> (super ()).set x; col := White);
     cinc= (super ()).inc;
     getcolor = (fun () -> !col)} in
  this ();;

let new_cpoint x col = cpointC (ref x) (ref col);;


# cp.cinc();;
- : unit = ()
# cp.cget();;
- : int = 1
# cp.getcolor();;
- : color = White 

Exercise 8 (末次) &dagger;


let rec change = function
    (_, 0) -> []
  | ((c :: rest) as coins, total) ->
      if c > total then change (rest, total)
      else c :: change (coins, total - c) ;;


let us_coins = [25; 10; 5; 1]
and gb_coins = [50; 20; 10; 5; 2; 1];;

change (gb_coins, 43);;
change (us_coins, 43);;


change ([5; 2], 16);;
Exception: Match_failure ("", 66, -211).

となって失敗する.これは大きい額から試していくので 5 で3回割ったあと、リストの最後 nil まで行って、 ([], 1) にマッチする規則が無いため.


let rec change = function
    (_, 0) -> []
  | ((c :: rest) as coins, total) ->
      if c > total then change (rest, total)
	      c :: change (coins, total - c)
	  with Failure "change" -> change (rest, total))  (* 失敗したら c で割るのを諦めて次に小さい数で続ける *)
  | _ -> raise (Failure "change");;  (* ([], 1以上) のときは例外を投げる *)


change ([5; 2], 16);;
- : int list = [5; 5; 2; 2; 2]


Exercise 9 (下村) &dagger;

すいません、時間がなくてあんまり考えてません…。 こんなんでいいのだろうか。簡単すぎ?

let print_int x = output_string stdout (string_of_int x);;

Exercise 10(山畑) &dagger;


let cp infn outfn = 
  let input  = open_in infn in
  let output = open_out outfn in
    while true do
      output_string output ((input_line input) ^ "?n")
    End_of_file -> ();
    close_in input;
    close_out output;;


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