PE_J: 部分評価

Equiv_J.v ではプログラム変換の例として定数畳み込みを紹介し、そして、それがプログラムの意味を保存することを証明しました。定数畳み込みはANum式のようなマニフェスト定数(リテラル)を処理します。例えば、コマンドY ::= APlus (ANum 3) (ANum 1)をコマンドY ::= ANum 4に単純化します。しかしながら、この操作は、定数とわかったことをデータフローに沿って伝播することは行いません。例えば、次の列

X ::= ANum 3; Y ::= APlus (AId X) (ANum 1)

X ::= ANum 3; Y ::= ANum 4


定数畳み込みを強化して、定数と分かったことを伝播し、それを使ってプログラムを単純化するようにしたいと思うのは自然なことです。そうすることは、部分評価(partial evaluation)の初歩的な形となります。これから見るように、これを部分評価と呼ぶのは、プログラムを走らせることと似ているからです。ただ違うのは、プログラムの一部だけが評価されることです。その理由はプログラムの入力の一部だけがわかっているからです。例えば、Yの初期値がわからないとき、プログラム

X ::= ANum 3; Y ::= AMinus (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1)) (AId Y)


X ::= ANum 3; Y ::= AMinus (ANum 4) (AId Y)


Require Export Imp_J.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.




概念的には、(完全な具体的状態の型がid -> natであるのに対して)部分状態は型id -> option natと考えることができます。しかしながら、部分状態の個別の変数の状態を参照/更新するだけでなく、条件分岐の制御フローを扱うために、2つの部分状態を比較して、同じかどうか、あるいは違いはどこかを知りたいことがあるでしょう。2つの任意の関数をこのように比較することはできません。このため、部分状態をより具体的な形、つまりid * nat対のリストとして表現します。

Definition pe_state := list (id * nat).


Fixpoint pe_lookup (pe_st : pe_state) (V:id) : option nat :=
  match pe_st with
  | [] => None
  | (V',n')::pe_st => if beq_id V V' then Some n'
                      else pe_lookup pe_st V


Definition empty_pe_state : pe_state := [].


compare V V' SCase

beq_id V V'truefalseかで場合分けする推論をすることを意味します。beq_id V V' = trueの場合、このタクティックは一貫してVV'に置換します。

Tactic Notation "compare" ident(i) ident(j) ident(c) :=
  let H := fresh "Heq" i j in
  destruct (beq_id i j) as [|]_eqn:H;
  [ Case_aux c "equal"; symmetry in H; apply beq_id_eq in H; subst j
  | Case_aux c "not equal" ].

Theorem pe_domain: forall pe_st V n,
  pe_lookup pe_st V = Some n ->
  true = existsb (beq_id V) (map (@fst _ _) pe_st).
Proof. intros pe_st V n H. induction pe_st as [| [V' n'] pe_st].
  Case "[]". inversion H.
  Case "::". simpl in H. simpl. compare V V' SCase; auto. Qed.



Fixpoint pe_aexp (pe_st : pe_state) (a : aexp) : aexp :=
  match a with
  | ANum n => ANum n
  | AId i => match pe_lookup pe_st i with
             | Some n => ANum n
             | None => AId i
  | APlus a1 a2 =>
      match (pe_aexp pe_st a1, pe_aexp pe_st a2) with
      | (ANum n1, ANum n2) => ANum (n1 + n2)
      | (a1', a2') => APlus a1' a2'
  | AMinus a1 a2 =>
      match (pe_aexp pe_st a1, pe_aexp pe_st a2) with
      | (ANum n1, ANum n2) => ANum (n1 - n2)
      | (a1', a2') => AMinus a1' a2'
  | AMult a1 a2 =>
      match (pe_aexp pe_st a1, pe_aexp pe_st a2) with
      | (ANum n1, ANum n2) => ANum (n1 * n2)
      | (a1', a2') => AMult a1' a2'


Example test_pe_aexp1:
  pe_aexp [(X,3)] (APlus (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1)) (AId Y))
  = APlus (ANum 4) (AId Y).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example text_pe_aexp2:
  pe_aexp [(Y,3)] (APlus (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1)) (AId Y))
  = APlus (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1)) (ANum 3).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

さて、pe_aexpはどういう意味で正しいのでしょうか?pe_aexpの正しさを次のように定義するのが合理的です。完全状態st:stateが部分状態pe_st:pe_stateと整合的(consistent)であるならば(言い換えると、pe_stで値が与えられていないすべての変数にstと同じ値を代入した場合)常に、stのもとでのaの評価とpe_aexp pe_st aの評価が同じ結果になる、ということです。この主張は実際に真です。

Definition pe_consistent (st:state) (pe_st:pe_state) :=
  forall V n, Some n = pe_lookup pe_st V -> st V = n.

Theorem pe_aexp_correct_weak: forall st pe_st, pe_consistent st pe_st ->
  forall a, aeval st a = aeval st (pe_aexp pe_st a).
Proof. unfold pe_consistent. intros st pe_st H a.
  aexp_cases (induction a) Case; simpl;
    try reflexivity;
    try (destruct (pe_aexp pe_st a1);
         destruct (pe_aexp pe_st a2);
         rewrite IHa1; rewrite IHa2; reflexivity).

  Case "AId".
    remember (pe_lookup pe_st i) as l. destruct l.
    SCase "Some". rewrite H with (n:=n) by apply Heql. reflexivity.
    SCase "None". reflexivity.


X ::= ANum 3; Y ::= AMinus (AId X) (AId Y); X ::= ANum 4


Y ::= AMinus (ANum 3) (AId Y); X ::= ANum 4


pe_aexp [(X,3)] (AMinus (AId X) (AId Y))

を部分評価した結果はAMinus (ANum 3) (AId Y)であるべきで、オリジナルの式AMinus (AId X) (AId Y)ではありません。何といっても、

X ::= ANum 3; Y ::= AMinus (AId X) (AId Y); X ::= ANum 4

Y ::= AMinus (AId X) (AId Y); X ::= ANum 4

に変換することは、非効率であるだけではなく、間違っています。出力式AMinus (ANum 3) (AId Y)AMinus (AId X) (AId Y)は両方とも正しさの基準を満たすにもかかわらずです。実のところ、単にpe_aexp pe_st a = aと定義したとしても、定理pe_aexp_correct'は成立してしまいます。

その代わりに、pe_aexpがより強い意味で正しいことを証明します。つまり、部分評価によって生成された式を評価したもの(aeval st (pe_aexp pe_st a))は、完全状態stの、部分状態pe_stによって特定された部分に依存しない、という意味でです。より正確にするために、関数pe_overrideを、stpe_stの内容に更新するものとして定義します。言い換えると、pe_overridestより優先してpe_stにリストアップされた代入を行うということです。

Fixpoint pe_override (st:state) (pe_st:pe_state) : state :=
  match pe_st with
  | [] => st
  | (V,n)::pe_st => update (pe_override st pe_st) V n

Example test_pe_override:
  pe_override (update empty_state Y 1) [(X,3),(Z,2)]
  = update (update (update empty_state Y 1) Z 2) X 3.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.


Theorem pe_override_correct: forall st pe_st V0,
  pe_override st pe_st V0 =
  match pe_lookup pe_st V0 with
  | Some n => n
  | None => st V0
Proof. intros. induction pe_st as [| [V n] pe_st]. reflexivity.
  simpl in *. unfold update. rewrite beq_id_sym.
  compare V0 V Case; auto. Qed.


Theorem pe_override_consistent: forall st pe_st,
  pe_consistent (pe_override st pe_st) pe_st.
Proof. intros st pe_st V n H. rewrite pe_override_correct.
  destruct (pe_lookup pe_st V); inversion H. reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem pe_consistent_override: forall st pe_st,
  pe_consistent st pe_st -> forall V, st V = pe_override st pe_st V.
Proof. intros st pe_st H V. rewrite pe_override_correct.
  remember (pe_lookup pe_st V) as l. destruct l; auto. Qed.



Theorem pe_aexp_correct: forall (pe_st:pe_state) (a:aexp) (st:state),
  aeval (pe_override st pe_st) a = aeval st (pe_aexp pe_st a).
  intros pe_st a st.
  aexp_cases (induction a) Case; simpl;
    try reflexivity;
    try (destruct (pe_aexp pe_st a1);
         destruct (pe_aexp pe_st a2);
         rewrite IHa1; rewrite IHa2; reflexivity).

  rewrite pe_override_correct. destruct (pe_lookup pe_st i); reflexivity.



Fixpoint pe_bexp (pe_st : pe_state) (b : bexp) : bexp :=
  match b with
  | BTrue        => BTrue
  | BFalse       => BFalse
  | BEq a1 a2 =>
      match (pe_aexp pe_st a1, pe_aexp pe_st a2) with
      | (ANum n1, ANum n2) => if beq_nat n1 n2 then BTrue else BFalse
      | (a1', a2') => BEq a1' a2'
  | BLe a1 a2 =>
      match (pe_aexp pe_st a1, pe_aexp pe_st a2) with
      | (ANum n1, ANum n2) => if ble_nat n1 n2 then BTrue else BFalse
      | (a1', a2') => BLe a1' a2'
  | BNot b1 =>
      match (pe_bexp pe_st b1) with
      | BTrue => BFalse
      | BFalse => BTrue
      | b1' => BNot b1'
  | BAnd b1 b2 =>
      match (pe_bexp pe_st b1, pe_bexp pe_st b2) with
      | (BTrue, BTrue) => BTrue
      | (BTrue, BFalse) => BFalse
      | (BFalse, BTrue) => BFalse
      | (BFalse, BFalse) => BFalse
      | (b1', b2') => BAnd b1' b2'

Example test_pe_bexp1:
  pe_bexp [(X,3)] (BNot (BLe (AId X) (ANum 3)))
  = BFalse.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example test_pe_bexp2: forall b,
  b = BNot (BLe (AId X) (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1))) ->
  pe_bexp [] b = b.
Proof. intros b H. rewrite -> H. reflexivity. Qed.


Theorem pe_bexp_correct: forall (pe_st:pe_state) (b:bexp) (st:state),
  beval (pe_override st pe_st) b = beval st (pe_bexp pe_st b).
  intros pe_st b st.
  bexp_cases (induction b) Case; simpl;
    try reflexivity;
    try (remember (pe_aexp pe_st a) as a';
         remember (pe_aexp pe_st a0) as a0';
         assert (Ha: aeval (pe_override st pe_st) a = aeval st a');
         assert (Ha0: aeval (pe_override st pe_st) a0 = aeval st a0');
           try (subst; apply pe_aexp_correct);
         destruct a'; destruct a0'; rewrite Ha; rewrite Ha0;
         simpl; try destruct (beq_nat n n0); try destruct (ble_nat n n0);
    try (destruct (pe_bexp pe_st b); rewrite IHb; reflexivity);
    try (destruct (pe_bexp pe_st b1);
         destruct (pe_bexp pe_st b2);
         rewrite IHb1; rewrite IHb2; reflexivity).



部分評価器が完全評価器と似ている別の点は、すべてのコマンドに対して停止するとは限らないということです。すべてのコマンドに対して停止する部分評価器を構築することは難しくはありません。難しいのは、すべてのコマンドに対して停止し、かつ、ループの展開のような最適化を自動的に行う部分評価器を構築することです。しばしば、ソースプログラムの書き方を変えて、静的情報と動的情報の区別をより明確にしてやることで、部分評価器がより多くの場合に停止し、より良い最適化をしてくれるように誘導することができます。そのような誘導は「束縛時改良術」(the art of binding-time improvement)です。変数の束縛の時が、その値が「静的」(“static”)か「動的」(“dynamic”)かがわかる時です。


c1 / st || c1' / st'


(X ::= ANum 3 ; Y ::= AMult (AId Z) (APlus (AId X) (AId X)))
/ [] || (Y ::= AMult (AId Z) (ANum 6)) / [(X,3)]



代入がどのように部分評価されるかを考えることから始めましょう。上述のソースプログラムにおける2つの代入は、違った形で扱う必要があります。最初の代入X ::= ANum 3は「静的」です。その右辺は定数(より一般には定数に簡単化されるもの)です。これから部分状態のX3に更新し、残留コードは生成しません。(実際には、残留コードとしてSKIPを作ります。)2つ目の代入Y ::= AMult (AId Z) (APlus (AId X) (AId X))は「動的」です。右辺は定数に単純化されることはありません。これから、この代入は残留コードに残され、Yがもし部分状態に存在していたなら、そのYが除去されます。この2つの場合を実装するために、関数pe_addpe_removeを定義します。上述のpe_overrideのように、これらの関数はpe_stateを表現する具体的なlistを操作しますが、定理pe_add_correctpe_remove_correctはこれらの関数のふるまいをpe_statepe_lookupによる解釈にもとづいて規定します。

Fixpoint pe_remove (pe_st:pe_state) (V:id) : pe_state :=
  match pe_st with
  | [] => []
  | (V',n')::pe_st => if beq_id V V' then pe_remove pe_st V
                      else (V',n') :: pe_remove pe_st V

Theorem pe_remove_correct: forall pe_st V V0,
  pe_lookup (pe_remove pe_st V) V0
  = if beq_id V V0 then None else pe_lookup pe_st V0.
Proof. intros pe_st V V0. induction pe_st as [| [V' n'] pe_st].
  Case "[]". destruct (beq_id V V0); reflexivity.
  Case "::". simpl. compare V V' SCase.
    SCase "equal". rewrite IHpe_st.
      replace (beq_id V0 V) with (beq_id V V0) by apply beq_id_sym.
      destruct (beq_id V V0); reflexivity.
    SCase "not equal". simpl. compare V0 V' SSCase.
      SSCase "equal". rewrite HeqVV'. reflexivity.
      SSCase "not equal". rewrite IHpe_st. reflexivity.

Definition pe_add (pe_st:pe_state) (V:id) (n:nat) : pe_state :=
  (V,n) :: pe_remove pe_st V.

Theorem pe_add_correct: forall pe_st V n V0,
  pe_lookup (pe_add pe_st V n) V0
  = if beq_id V V0 then Some n else pe_lookup pe_st V0.
Proof. intros pe_st V n V0. unfold pe_add. simpl. rewrite beq_id_sym.
  compare V V0 Case.
  Case "equal". reflexivity.
  Case "not equal". rewrite pe_remove_correct. rewrite HeqVV0. reflexivity.


Theorem pe_override_update_remove: forall st pe_st V n,
  update (pe_override st pe_st) V n =
  pe_override (update st V n) (pe_remove pe_st V).
Proof. intros st pe_st V n. apply functional_extensionality. intros V0.
  unfold update. rewrite !pe_override_correct. rewrite pe_remove_correct.
  destruct (beq_id V V0); reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem pe_override_update_add: forall st pe_st V n,
  update (pe_override st pe_st) V n =
  pe_override st (pe_add pe_st V n).
Proof. intros st pe_st V n. apply functional_extensionality. intros V0.
  unfold update. rewrite !pe_override_correct. rewrite pe_add_correct.
  destruct (beq_id V V0); reflexivity. Qed.


部分評価について代入よりトリッキーなのは条件分岐IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FIです。もしb1BTrueまたはBFalseに単純化されるならば、簡単です。どちらの選択肢が選ばれるか分かっているのですから、その選択肢を考えるだけです。もしb1が定数に単純化されないならば、両方の選択肢を考える必要があります。そして、最終部分状態は2つの選択肢で違うかもしれません!


X ::= ANum 3;
IFB BLe (AId Y) (ANum 4) THEN
    Y ::= ANum 4;
    IFB BEq (AId X) (AId Y) THEN Y ::= ANum 999 ELSE SKIP FI


このような動的条件分岐を扱う一つの方法は、2つの選択肢の最終部分状態の共通部分をとるというものです。この例では、(Y,4),(X,3)(X,3)の共通部分をとります。従って、全体の最終部分状態は(X,3)です。Y4であるという情報を失なった代償として、THEN選択肢の最後に代入Y ::= ANum 4を追加する必要があります。結局、残留プログラムは次のようなものになります:

IFB BLe (AId Y) (ANum 4) THEN
    Y ::= ANum 4



Definition pe_disagree_at (pe_st1 pe_st2 : pe_state) (V:id) : bool :=
  match pe_lookup pe_st1 V, pe_lookup pe_st2 V with
  | Some x, Some y => negb (beq_nat x y)
  | None, None => false
  | _, _ => true

Lemma existsb_app: forall X (f:X->bool) l1 l2,
  existsb f (l1 ++ l2) = orb (existsb f l1) (existsb f l2).
Proof. intros X f l1 l2. induction l1. reflexivity.
  simpl. rewrite IHl1. rewrite orb_assoc. reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem pe_disagree_domain: forall (pe_st1 pe_st2 : pe_state) (V:id),
  true = pe_disagree_at pe_st1 pe_st2 V ->
  true = existsb (beq_id V) (map (@fst _ _) pe_st1 ++
                             map (@fst _ _) pe_st2).
Proof. unfold pe_disagree_at. intros pe_st1 pe_st2 V H.
  rewrite existsb_app. symmetry. apply orb_true_intro.
  remember (pe_lookup pe_st1 V) as lookup1.
  destruct lookup1 as [n1|]. left. symmetry. apply pe_domain with n1. auto.
  remember (pe_lookup pe_st2 V) as lookup2.
  destruct lookup2 as [n2|]. right. symmetry. apply pe_domain with n2. auto.
  inversion H. Qed.


Fixpoint pe_unique (l : list id) : list id :=
  match l with
  | [] => []
  | x::l => x :: filter (fun y => negb (beq_id x y)) (pe_unique l)

Lemma existsb_beq_id_filter: forall V f l,
  existsb (beq_id V) (filter f l) = andb (existsb (beq_id V) l) (f V).
Proof. intros V f l. induction l as [| h l].
  Case "[]". reflexivity.
  Case "h::l". simpl. remember (f h) as fh. destruct fh.
    SCase "true = f h". simpl. rewrite IHl. compare V h SSCase.
      rewrite <- Heqfh. reflexivity. reflexivity.
    SCase "false = f h". rewrite IHl. compare V h SSCase.
      rewrite <- Heqfh. rewrite !andb_false_r. reflexivity. reflexivity.

Theorem pe_unique_correct: forall l x,
  existsb (beq_id x) l = existsb (beq_id x) (pe_unique l).
Proof. intros l x. induction l as [| h t]. reflexivity.
  simpl in *. compare x h Case.
  Case "equal". reflexivity.
  Case "not equal".
    rewrite -> existsb_beq_id_filter, <- IHt, -> beq_id_sym, -> Heqxh,
            -> andb_true_r. reflexivity. Qed.

Definition pe_compare (pe_st1 pe_st2 : pe_state) : list id :=
  pe_unique (filter (pe_disagree_at pe_st1 pe_st2)
    (map (@fst _ _) pe_st1 ++ map (@fst _ _) pe_st2)).

Theorem pe_compare_correct: forall pe_st1 pe_st2 V,
  pe_lookup pe_st1 V = pe_lookup pe_st2 V <->
  false = existsb (beq_id V) (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2).
Proof. intros pe_st1 pe_st2 V.
  unfold pe_compare. rewrite <- pe_unique_correct, -> existsb_beq_id_filter.
  split; intros Heq.
  Case "->".
    symmetry. apply andb_false_intro2. unfold pe_disagree_at. rewrite Heq.
    destruct (pe_lookup pe_st2 V).
    rewrite <- beq_nat_refl. reflexivity.
  Case "<-".
    assert (Hagree: pe_disagree_at pe_st1 pe_st2 V = false).
      SCase "Proof of assertion".
      remember (pe_disagree_at pe_st1 pe_st2 V) as disagree.
      destruct disagree; [| reflexivity].
      rewrite -> andb_true_r, <- pe_disagree_domain in Heq.
      inversion Heq.
      apply Heqdisagree.
    unfold pe_disagree_at in Hagree.
    destruct (pe_lookup pe_st1 V) as [n1|];
    destruct (pe_lookup pe_st2 V) as [n2|];
      try reflexivity; try solve by inversion.
    rewrite beq_nat_eq with n1 n2. reflexivity.
    rewrite <- negb_involutive. rewrite Hagree. reflexivity. Qed.



Fixpoint pe_removes (pe_st:pe_state) (ids : list id) : pe_state :=
  match ids with
  | [] => pe_st
  | V::ids => pe_remove (pe_removes pe_st ids) V

Theorem pe_removes_correct: forall pe_st ids V,
  pe_lookup (pe_removes pe_st ids) V =
  if existsb (beq_id V) ids then None else pe_lookup pe_st V.
Proof. intros pe_st ids V. induction ids as [| V' ids]. reflexivity.
  simpl. rewrite pe_remove_correct. rewrite IHids.
  replace (beq_id V' V) with (beq_id V V') by apply beq_id_sym.
  destruct (beq_id V V'); destruct (existsb (beq_id V) ids); reflexivity.

Theorem pe_compare_removes: forall pe_st1 pe_st2 V,
  pe_lookup (pe_removes pe_st1 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)) V =
  pe_lookup (pe_removes pe_st2 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)) V.
Proof. intros pe_st1 pe_st2 V. rewrite !pe_removes_correct.
  remember (existsb (beq_id V) (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)) as b.
  destruct b. reflexivity.
  apply pe_compare_correct in Heqb. apply Heqb. Qed.

Theorem pe_compare_override: forall pe_st1 pe_st2 st,
  pe_override st (pe_removes pe_st1 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)) =
  pe_override st (pe_removes pe_st2 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)).
Proof. intros. apply functional_extensionality. intros V.
  rewrite !pe_override_correct. rewrite pe_compare_removes. reflexivity.

最後に、2つの部分状態の違いを代入コマンドの列に変換するassign関数を定義します。より詳しくは、assign pe_st idsは、idsにリストアップされたそれぞれの変数に対して代入コマンドを生成します。

Fixpoint assign (pe_st : pe_state) (ids : list id) : com :=
  match ids with
  | [] => SKIP
  | V::ids => match pe_lookup pe_st V with
              | Some n => (assign pe_st ids; V ::= ANum n)
              | None => assign pe_st ids


Definition assigned (pe_st:pe_state) (ids : list id) (st:state) : state :=
  fun V => match existsb (beq_id V) ids, pe_lookup pe_st V with
           | true, Some n => n
           | _, _ => st V

Theorem assign_removes: forall pe_st ids st,
  pe_override st pe_st =
  pe_override (assigned pe_st ids st) (pe_removes pe_st ids).
Proof. intros pe_st ids st. apply functional_extensionality. intros V.
  rewrite !pe_override_correct. rewrite pe_removes_correct. unfold assigned.
  destruct (existsb (beq_id V)); destruct (pe_lookup pe_st V); reflexivity.

Lemma ceval_extensionality: forall c st st1 st2,
  c / st || st1 -> (forall V, st1 V = st2 V) -> c / st || st2.
Proof. intros c st st1 st2 H Heq.
  apply functional_extensionality in Heq. rewrite <- Heq. apply H. Qed.

Theorem eval_assign: forall pe_st ids st,
  assign pe_st ids / st || assigned pe_st ids st.
Proof. intros pe_st ids st. induction ids as [| V ids]; simpl.
  Case "[]". eapply ceval_extensionality. apply E_Skip. reflexivity.
  Case "V::ids".
    remember (pe_lookup pe_st V) as lookup. destruct lookup.
    SCase "Some". eapply E_Seq. apply IHids. unfold assigned. simpl.
      eapply ceval_extensionality. apply E_Ass. simpl. reflexivity.
      intros V0. unfold update. rewrite beq_id_sym. compare V0 V SSCase.
      SSCase "equal". rewrite <- Heqlookup. reflexivity.
      SSCase "not equal". reflexivity.
    SCase "None". eapply ceval_extensionality. apply IHids.
      unfold assigned. intros V0. simpl. compare V0 V SSCase.
      SSCase "equal". rewrite <- Heqlookup.
        destruct (existsb (beq_id V0) ids); reflexivity.
      SSCase "not equal". reflexivity. Qed.



Reserved Notation "c1 '/' st '||' c1' '/' st'"
  (at level 40, st at level 39, c1' at level 39).

Inductive pe_com : com -> pe_state -> com -> pe_state -> Prop :=
  | PE_Skip : forall pe_st,
      SKIP / pe_st || SKIP / pe_st
  | PE_AssStatic : forall pe_st a1 n1 l,
      pe_aexp pe_st a1 = ANum n1 ->
      (l ::= a1) / pe_st || SKIP / pe_add pe_st l n1
  | PE_AssDynamic : forall pe_st a1 a1' l,
      pe_aexp pe_st a1 = a1' ->
      (forall n, a1' <> ANum n) ->
      (l ::= a1) / pe_st || (l ::= a1') / pe_remove pe_st l
  | PE_Seq : forall pe_st pe_st' pe_st'' c1 c2 c1' c2',
      c1 / pe_st  || c1' / pe_st' ->
      c2 / pe_st' || c2' / pe_st'' ->
      (c1 ; c2) / pe_st || (c1' ; c2') / pe_st''
  | PE_IfTrue : forall pe_st pe_st' b1 c1 c2 c1',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 = BTrue ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st' ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / pe_st || c1' / pe_st'
  | PE_IfFalse : forall pe_st pe_st' b1 c1 c2 c2',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 = BFalse ->
      c2 / pe_st || c2' / pe_st' ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / pe_st || c2' / pe_st'
  | PE_If : forall pe_st pe_st1 pe_st2 b1 c1 c2 c1' c2',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BTrue ->
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BFalse ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st1 ->
      c2 / pe_st || c2' / pe_st2 ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / pe_st
        || (IFB pe_bexp pe_st b1
             THEN c1' ; assign pe_st1 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)
             ELSE c2' ; assign pe_st2 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2) FI)
            / pe_removes pe_st1 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)

  where "c1 '/' st '||' c1' '/' st'" := (pe_com c1 st c1' st').

Tactic Notation "pe_com_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "PE_Skip"
  | Case_aux c "PE_AssStatic" | Case_aux c "PE_AssDynamic"
  | Case_aux c "PE_Seq"
  | Case_aux c "PE_IfTrue" | Case_aux c "PE_IfFalse" | Case_aux c "PE_If" ].

Hint Constructors pe_com.
Hint Constructors ceval.


Example pe_example1:
  (X ::= ANum 3 ; Y ::= AMult (AId Z) (APlus (AId X) (AId X)))
  / [] || (SKIP; Y ::= AMult (AId Z) (ANum 6)) / [(X,3)].
Proof. eapply PE_Seq. eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity.
  eapply PE_AssDynamic. reflexivity. intros n H. inversion H. Qed.

Example pe_example2:
  (X ::= ANum 3 ; IFB BLe (AId X) (ANum 4) THEN X ::= ANum 4 ELSE SKIP FI)
  / [] || (SKIP; SKIP) / [(X,4)].
Proof. eapply PE_Seq. eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity.
  eapply PE_IfTrue. reflexivity.
  eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity. Qed.

Example pe_example3:
  (X ::= ANum 3;
   IFB BLe (AId Y) (ANum 4) THEN
     Y ::= ANum 4;
     IFB BEq (AId X) (AId Y) THEN Y ::= ANum 999 ELSE SKIP FI
   ELSE SKIP FI) / []
  || (SKIP;
       IFB BLe (AId Y) (ANum 4) THEN
         (SKIP; SKIP); (SKIP; Y ::= ANum 4)
      / [(X,3)].
Proof. erewrite f_equal2 with (f := fun c st => _ / _ || c / st).
  eapply PE_Seq. eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity.
  eapply PE_If; intuition eauto; try solve by inversion.
  econstructor. eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity.
  eapply PE_IfFalse. reflexivity. econstructor.
  reflexivity. reflexivity. Qed.



Reserved Notation "c' '/' pe_st' '/' st '||' st''"
  (at level 40, pe_st' at level 39, st at level 39).

Inductive pe_ceval
  (c':com) (pe_st':pe_state) (st:state) (st'':state) : Prop :=
  | pe_ceval_intro : forall st',
    c' / st || st' ->
    pe_override st' pe_st' = st'' ->
    c' / pe_st' / st || st''
  where "c' '/' pe_st' '/' st '||' st''" := (pe_ceval c' pe_st' st st'').

Hint Constructors pe_ceval.

Theorem pe_com_complete:
  forall c pe_st pe_st' c', c / pe_st || c' / pe_st' ->
  forall st st'',
  (c / pe_override st pe_st || st'') ->
  (c' / pe_st' / st || st'').
Proof. intros c pe_st pe_st' c' Hpe.
  pe_com_cases (induction Hpe) Case; intros st st'' Heval;
  try (inversion Heval; subst;
       try (rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct, -> H in *; solve by inversion);
  Case "PE_AssStatic". econstructor. econstructor.
    rewrite -> pe_aexp_correct. rewrite <- pe_override_update_add.
    rewrite -> H. reflexivity.
  Case "PE_AssDynamic". econstructor. econstructor. reflexivity.
    rewrite -> pe_aexp_correct. rewrite <- pe_override_update_remove.
  Case "PE_Seq".
    edestruct IHHpe1. eassumption. subst.
    edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
  Case "PE_If". inversion Heval; subst.
    SCase "E'IfTrue". edestruct IHHpe1. eassumption.
      econstructor. apply E_IfTrue. rewrite <- pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      eapply E_Seq. eassumption. apply eval_assign.
      rewrite <- assign_removes. eassumption.
    SCase "E_IfFalse". edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
      econstructor. apply E_IfFalse. rewrite <- pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      eapply E_Seq. eassumption. apply eval_assign.
      rewrite -> pe_compare_override.
      rewrite <- assign_removes. eassumption.

Theorem pe_com_sound:
  forall c pe_st pe_st' c', c / pe_st || c' / pe_st' ->
  forall st st'',
  (c' / pe_st' / st || st'') ->
  (c / pe_override st pe_st || st'').
Proof. intros c pe_st pe_st' c' Hpe.
  pe_com_cases (induction Hpe) Case;
    intros st st'' [st' Heval Heq];
    try (inversion Heval; []; subst); auto.
  Case "PE_AssStatic". rewrite <- pe_override_update_add. apply E_Ass.
    rewrite -> pe_aexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity.
  Case "PE_AssDynamic". rewrite <- pe_override_update_remove. apply E_Ass.
    rewrite <- pe_aexp_correct. reflexivity.
  Case "PE_Seq". eapply E_Seq; eauto.
  Case "PE_IfTrue". apply E_IfTrue.
    rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity. eauto.
  Case "PE_IfFalse". apply E_IfFalse.
    rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity. eauto.
  Case "PE_If".
    inversion Heval; subst; inversion H7;
      (eapply ceval_deterministic in H8; [| apply eval_assign]); subst.
    SCase "E_IfTrue".
      apply E_IfTrue. rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      rewrite <- assign_removes. eauto.
    SCase "E_IfFalse".
      rewrite -> pe_compare_override.
      apply E_IfFalse. rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      rewrite <- assign_removes. eauto.

メインの定理です。この形式化について David Menendez に感謝します!

Corollary pe_com_correct:
  forall c pe_st pe_st' c', c / pe_st || c' / pe_st' ->
  forall st st'',
  (c / pe_override st pe_st || st'') <->
  (c' / pe_st' / st || st'').
Proof. intros c pe_st pe_st' c' H st st''. split.
  Case "->". apply pe_com_complete. apply H.
  Case "<-". apply pe_com_sound. apply H.



WHILE BLe (ANum 1) (AId X) DO
    Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y);
    X ::= AMinus (AId X) (ANum 1)


Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y);
Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y);
Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y)



X ::= ANum 0;
WHILE BLe (ANum 1) (AId Y) DO
    Y ::= AMinus (AId Y) (ANum 1);
    X ::= AMinus (ANum 1) (AId X)


WHILE BLe (ANum 1) (AId Y) DO
    Y ::= AMinus (AId Y) (ANum 1);
    IF BLe (ANum 1) (AId Y) THEN
        Y ::= AMinus (AId Y) (ANum 1)
        X ::= ANum 1; EXIT
X ::= ANum 0



Module Loop.

Reserved Notation "c1 '/' st '||' c1' '/' st' '/' c''"
  (at level 40, st at level 39, c1' at level 39, st' at level 39).

Inductive pe_com : com -> pe_state -> com -> pe_state -> com -> Prop :=
  | PE_Skip : forall pe_st,
      SKIP / pe_st || SKIP / pe_st / SKIP
  | PE_AssStatic : forall pe_st a1 n1 l,
      pe_aexp pe_st a1 = ANum n1 ->
      (l ::= a1) / pe_st || SKIP / pe_add pe_st l n1 / SKIP
  | PE_AssDynamic : forall pe_st a1 a1' l,
      pe_aexp pe_st a1 = a1' ->
      (forall n, a1' <> ANum n) ->
      (l ::= a1) / pe_st || (l ::= a1') / pe_remove pe_st l / SKIP
  | PE_Seq : forall pe_st pe_st' pe_st'' c1 c2 c1' c2' c'',
      c1 / pe_st  || c1' / pe_st' / SKIP ->
      c2 / pe_st' || c2' / pe_st'' / c'' ->
      (c1 ; c2) / pe_st || (c1' ; c2') / pe_st'' / c''
  | PE_IfTrue : forall pe_st pe_st' b1 c1 c2 c1' c'',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 = BTrue ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st' / c'' ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / pe_st || c1' / pe_st' / c''
  | PE_IfFalse : forall pe_st pe_st' b1 c1 c2 c2' c'',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 = BFalse ->
      c2 / pe_st || c2' / pe_st' / c'' ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / pe_st || c2' / pe_st' / c''
  | PE_If : forall pe_st pe_st1 pe_st2 b1 c1 c2 c1' c2' c'',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BTrue ->
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BFalse ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st1 / c'' ->
      c2 / pe_st || c2' / pe_st2 / c'' ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / pe_st
        || (IFB pe_bexp pe_st b1
             THEN c1' ; assign pe_st1 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)
             ELSE c2' ; assign pe_st2 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2) FI)
            / pe_removes pe_st1 (pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2)
            / c''
  | PE_WhileEnd : forall pe_st b1 c1,
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 = BFalse ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st || SKIP / pe_st / SKIP
  | PE_WhileLoop : forall pe_st pe_st' pe_st'' b1 c1 c1' c2' c2'',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 = BTrue ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st' / SKIP ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st' || c2' / pe_st'' / c2'' ->
      pe_compare pe_st pe_st'' <> [] ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st || (c1';c2') / pe_st'' / c2''
  | PE_While : forall pe_st pe_st' pe_st'' b1 c1 c1' c2' c2'',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BFalse ->
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BTrue ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st' / SKIP ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st' || c2' / pe_st'' / c2'' ->
      pe_compare pe_st pe_st'' <> [] ->
      (c2'' = SKIP \/ c2'' = WHILE b1 DO c1 END) ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st
        || (IFB pe_bexp pe_st b1
             THEN c1'; c2'; assign pe_st'' (pe_compare pe_st pe_st'')
             ELSE assign pe_st (pe_compare pe_st pe_st'') FI)
            / pe_removes pe_st (pe_compare pe_st pe_st'')
            / c2''
  | PE_WhileFixedEnd : forall pe_st b1 c1,
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BFalse ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st || SKIP / pe_st / (WHILE b1 DO c1 END)
  | PE_WhileFixedLoop : forall pe_st pe_st' pe_st'' b1 c1 c1' c2',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 = BTrue ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st' / SKIP ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st'
        || c2' / pe_st'' / (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) ->
      pe_compare pe_st pe_st'' = [] ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st
        || (WHILE BTrue DO SKIP END) / pe_st / SKIP

  | PE_WhileFixed : forall pe_st pe_st' pe_st'' b1 c1 c1' c2',
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BFalse ->
      pe_bexp pe_st b1 <> BTrue ->
      c1 / pe_st || c1' / pe_st' / SKIP ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st'
        || c2' / pe_st'' / (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) ->
      pe_compare pe_st pe_st'' = [] ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / pe_st
        || (WHILE pe_bexp pe_st b1 DO c1'; c2' END) / pe_st / SKIP

  where "c1 '/' st '||' c1' '/' st' '/' c''" := (pe_com c1 st c1' st' c'').

Tactic Notation "pe_com_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "PE_Skip"
  | Case_aux c "PE_AssStatic" | Case_aux c "PE_AssDynamic"
  | Case_aux c "PE_Seq"
  | Case_aux c "PE_IfTrue" | Case_aux c "PE_IfFalse" | Case_aux c "PE_If"
  | Case_aux c "PE_WhileEnd" | Case_aux c "PE_WhileLoop"
  | Case_aux c "PE_While" | Case_aux c "PE_WhileFixedEnd"
  | Case_aux c "PE_WhileFixedLoop" | Case_aux c "PE_WhileFixed" ].

Hint Constructors pe_com.

Tactic Notation "step" ident(i) :=
  (eapply i; intuition eauto; try solve by inversion);
  repeat (try eapply PE_Seq;
          try (eapply PE_AssStatic; simpl; reflexivity);
          try (eapply PE_AssDynamic;
               [ simpl; reflexivity
               | intuition eauto; solve by inversion ])).

Definition square_loop: com :=
  WHILE BLe (ANum 1) (AId X) DO
    Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y);
    X ::= AMinus (AId X) (ANum 1)

Example pe_loop_example1:
  square_loop / []
  || (WHILE BLe (ANum 1) (AId X) DO
         (Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y);
          X ::= AMinus (AId X) (ANum 1)); SKIP
       END) / [] / SKIP.
Proof. erewrite f_equal2 with (f := fun c st => _ / _ || c / st / SKIP).
  step PE_WhileFixed. step PE_WhileFixedEnd. reflexivity.
  reflexivity. reflexivity. Qed.

Example pe_loop_example2:
  (X ::= ANum 3; square_loop) / []
  || (SKIP;
       (Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y); SKIP);
       (Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y); SKIP);
       (Y ::= AMult (AId Y) (AId Y); SKIP);
       SKIP) / [(X,0)] / SKIP.
Proof. erewrite f_equal2 with (f := fun c st => _ / _ || c / st / SKIP).
  eapply PE_Seq. eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity.
  step PE_WhileLoop.
  step PE_WhileLoop.
  step PE_WhileLoop.
  step PE_WhileEnd.
  inversion H. inversion H. inversion H.
  reflexivity. reflexivity. Qed.

Example pe_loop_example3:
  (Z ::= ANum 3; subtract_slowly) / []
  || (SKIP;
       IFB BNot (BEq (AId X) (ANum 0)) THEN
         (SKIP; X ::= AMinus (AId X) (ANum 1));
         IFB BNot (BEq (AId X) (ANum 0)) THEN
           (SKIP; X ::= AMinus (AId X) (ANum 1));
           IFB BNot (BEq (AId X) (ANum 0)) THEN
             (SKIP; X ::= AMinus (AId X) (ANum 1));
             WHILE BNot (BEq (AId X) (ANum 0)) DO
               (SKIP; X ::= AMinus (AId X) (ANum 1)); SKIP
             SKIP; Z ::= ANum 0
           ELSE SKIP; Z ::= ANum 1 FI; SKIP
         ELSE SKIP; Z ::= ANum 2 FI; SKIP
       ELSE SKIP; Z ::= ANum 3 FI) / [] / SKIP.
Proof. erewrite f_equal2 with (f := fun c st => _ / _ || c / st / SKIP).
  eapply PE_Seq. eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity.
  step PE_While.
  step PE_While.
  step PE_While.
  step PE_WhileFixed.
  step PE_WhileFixedEnd.
  reflexivity. inversion H. inversion H. inversion H.
  reflexivity. reflexivity. Qed.

Example pe_loop_example4:
  (X ::= ANum 0;
   WHILE BLe (AId X) (ANum 2) DO
     X ::= AMinus (ANum 1) (AId X)
   END) / [] || (SKIP; WHILE BTrue DO SKIP END) / [(X,0)] / SKIP.
Proof. erewrite f_equal2 with (f := fun c st => _ / _ || c / st / SKIP).
  eapply PE_Seq. eapply PE_AssStatic. reflexivity.
  step PE_WhileFixedLoop.
  step PE_WhileLoop.
  step PE_WhileFixedEnd.
  inversion H. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. Qed.


この部分評価器は1より大きい(有限)整数 n について、ループをn回展開することができます。このため、正しさを示すためには、動的評価の構造についての帰納法ではなく、動的評価がループの本体に入る回数についての帰納法が必要です。

Reserved Notation "c1 '/' st '||' st' '#' n"
  (at level 40, st at level 39, st' at level 39).

Inductive ceval_count : com -> state -> state -> nat -> Prop :=
  | E'Skip : forall st,
      SKIP / st || st # 0
  | E'Ass  : forall st a1 n l,
      aeval st a1 = n ->
      (l ::= a1) / st || (update st l n) # 0
  | E'Seq : forall c1 c2 st st' st'' n1 n2,
      c1 / st  || st'  # n1 ->
      c2 / st' || st'' # n2 ->
      (c1 ; c2) / st || st'' # (n1 + n2)
  | E'IfTrue : forall st st' b1 c1 c2 n,
      beval st b1 = true ->
      c1 / st || st' # n ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / st || st' # n
  | E'IfFalse : forall st st' b1 c1 c2 n,
      beval st b1 = false ->
      c2 / st || st' # n ->
      (IFB b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) / st || st' # n
  | E'WhileEnd : forall b1 st c1,
      beval st b1 = false ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / st || st # 0
  | E'WhileLoop : forall st st' st'' b1 c1 n1 n2,
      beval st b1 = true ->
      c1 / st || st' # n1 ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / st' || st'' # n2 ->
      (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) / st || st'' # S (n1 + n2)

  where "c1 '/' st '||' st' # n" := (ceval_count c1 st st' n).

Tactic Notation "ceval_count_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "E'Skip" | Case_aux c "E'Ass" | Case_aux c "E'Seq"
  | Case_aux c "E'IfTrue" | Case_aux c "E'IfFalse"
  | Case_aux c "E'WhileEnd" | Case_aux c "E'WhileLoop" ].

Hint Constructors ceval_count.

Theorem ceval_count_complete: forall c st st',
  c / st || st' -> exists n, c / st || st' # n.
Proof. intros c st st' Heval.
  induction Heval;
    try inversion IHHeval1;
    try inversion IHHeval2;
    try inversion IHHeval;
    eauto. Qed.

Theorem ceval_count_sound: forall c st st' n,
  c / st || st' # n -> c / st || st'.
Proof. intros c st st' n Heval. induction Heval; eauto. Qed.

Theorem pe_compare_nil_lookup: forall pe_st1 pe_st2,
  pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2 = [] ->
  forall V, pe_lookup pe_st1 V = pe_lookup pe_st2 V.
Proof. intros pe_st1 pe_st2 H V.
  apply (pe_compare_correct pe_st1 pe_st2 V).
  rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem pe_compare_nil_override: forall pe_st1 pe_st2,
  pe_compare pe_st1 pe_st2 = [] ->
  forall st, pe_override st pe_st1 = pe_override st pe_st2.
Proof. intros pe_st1 pe_st2 H st.
  apply functional_extensionality. intros V.
  rewrite !pe_override_correct.
  apply pe_compare_nil_lookup with (V:=V) in H.
  rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.

Reserved Notation "c' '/' pe_st' '/' c'' '/' st '||' st'' '#' n"
  (at level 40, pe_st' at level 39, c'' at level 39,
   st at level 39, st'' at level 39).

Inductive pe_ceval_count (c':com) (pe_st':pe_state) (c'':com)
                         (st:state) (st'':state) (n:nat) : Prop :=
  | pe_ceval_count_intro : forall st' n',
    c' / st || st' ->
    c'' / pe_override st' pe_st' || st'' # n' ->
    n' <= n ->
    c' / pe_st' / c'' / st || st'' # n
  where "c' '/' pe_st' '/' c'' '/' st '||' st'' '#' n" :=
        (pe_ceval_count c' pe_st' c'' st st'' n).

Hint Constructors pe_ceval_count.

Lemma pe_ceval_count_le: forall c' pe_st' c'' st st'' n n',
  n' <= n ->
  c' / pe_st' / c'' / st || st'' # n' ->
  c' / pe_st' / c'' / st || st'' # n.
Proof. intros c' pe_st' c'' st st'' n n' Hle H. inversion H.
  econstructor; try eassumption. omega. Qed.

Theorem pe_com_complete:
  forall c pe_st pe_st' c' c'', c / pe_st || c' / pe_st' / c'' ->
  forall st st'' n,
  (c / pe_override st pe_st || st'' # n) ->
  (c' / pe_st' / c'' / st || st'' # n).
Proof. intros c pe_st pe_st' c' c'' Hpe.
  pe_com_cases (induction Hpe) Case; intros st st'' n Heval;
  try (inversion Heval; subst;
       try (rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct, -> H in *; solve by inversion);
  Case "PE_AssStatic". econstructor. econstructor.
    rewrite -> pe_aexp_correct. rewrite <- pe_override_update_add.
    rewrite -> H. apply E'Skip. auto.
  Case "PE_AssDynamic". econstructor. econstructor. reflexivity.
    rewrite -> pe_aexp_correct. rewrite <- pe_override_update_remove.
    apply E'Skip. auto.
  Case "PE_Seq".
    edestruct IHHpe1 as [? ? ? Hskip ?]. eassumption.
    inversion Hskip. subst.
    edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
    econstructor; eauto. omega.
  Case "PE_If". inversion Heval; subst.
    SCase "E'IfTrue". edestruct IHHpe1. eassumption.
      econstructor. apply E_IfTrue. rewrite <- pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      eapply E_Seq. eassumption. apply eval_assign.
      rewrite <- assign_removes. eassumption. eassumption.
    SCase "E_IfFalse". edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
      econstructor. apply E_IfFalse. rewrite <- pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      eapply E_Seq. eassumption. apply eval_assign.
      rewrite -> pe_compare_override.
      rewrite <- assign_removes. eassumption. eassumption.
  Case "PE_WhileLoop".
    edestruct IHHpe1 as [? ? ? Hskip ?]. eassumption.
    inversion Hskip. subst.
    edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
    econstructor; eauto. omega.
  Case "PE_While". inversion Heval; subst.
    SCase "E_WhileEnd". econstructor. apply E_IfFalse.
      rewrite <- pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      apply eval_assign.
      rewrite <- assign_removes. inversion H2; subst; auto.
    SCase "E_WhileLoop".
      edestruct IHHpe1 as [? ? ? Hskip ?]. eassumption.
      inversion Hskip. subst.
      edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
      econstructor. apply E_IfTrue.
      rewrite <- pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      repeat eapply E_Seq; eauto. apply eval_assign.
      rewrite -> pe_compare_override, <- assign_removes. eassumption.
  Case "PE_WhileFixedLoop". apply ex_falso_quodlibet.
    generalize dependent (S (n1 + n2)). intros n.
    clear - Case H H0 IHHpe1 IHHpe2. generalize dependent st.
    induction n using lt_wf_ind; intros st Heval. inversion Heval; subst.
    SCase "E'WhileEnd". rewrite pe_bexp_correct, H in H7. inversion H7.
    SCase "E'WhileLoop".
      edestruct IHHpe1 as [? ? ? Hskip ?]. eassumption.
      inversion Hskip. subst.
      edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
      rewrite <- (pe_compare_nil_override _ _ H0) in H7.
      apply H1 in H7; [| omega]. inversion H7.
  Case "PE_WhileFixed". generalize dependent st.
    induction n using lt_wf_ind; intros st Heval. inversion Heval; subst.
    SCase "E'WhileEnd". rewrite pe_bexp_correct in H8. eauto.
    SCase "E'WhileLoop". rewrite pe_bexp_correct in H5.
      edestruct IHHpe1 as [? ? ? Hskip ?]. eassumption.
      inversion Hskip. subst.
      edestruct IHHpe2. eassumption.
      rewrite <- (pe_compare_nil_override _ _ H1) in H8.
      apply H2 in H8; [| omega]. inversion H8.
      econstructor; [ eapply E_WhileLoop; eauto | eassumption | omega].

Theorem pe_com_sound:
  forall c pe_st pe_st' c' c'', c / pe_st || c' / pe_st' / c'' ->
  forall st st'' n,
  (c' / pe_st' / c'' / st || st'' # n) ->
  (c / pe_override st pe_st || st'').
Proof. intros c pe_st pe_st' c' c'' Hpe.
  pe_com_cases (induction Hpe) Case;
    intros st st'' n [st' n' Heval Heval' Hle];
    try (inversion Heval; []; subst);
    try (inversion Heval'; []; subst); eauto.
  Case "PE_AssStatic". rewrite <- pe_override_update_add. apply E_Ass.
    rewrite -> pe_aexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity.
  Case "PE_AssDynamic". rewrite <- pe_override_update_remove. apply E_Ass.
    rewrite <- pe_aexp_correct. reflexivity.
  Case "PE_Seq". eapply E_Seq; eauto.
  Case "PE_IfTrue". apply E_IfTrue.
    rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity.
    eapply IHHpe. eauto.
  Case "PE_IfFalse". apply E_IfFalse.
    rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity.
    eapply IHHpe. eauto.
  Case "PE_If". inversion Heval; subst; inversion H7; subst; clear H7.
    SCase "E_IfTrue".
      eapply ceval_deterministic in H8; [| apply eval_assign]. subst.
      rewrite <- assign_removes in Heval'.
      apply E_IfTrue. rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      eapply IHHpe1. eauto.
    SCase "E_IfFalse".
      eapply ceval_deterministic in H8; [| apply eval_assign]. subst.
      rewrite -> pe_compare_override in Heval'.
      rewrite <- assign_removes in Heval'.
      apply E_IfFalse. rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      eapply IHHpe2. eauto.
  Case "PE_WhileEnd". apply E_WhileEnd.
    rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity.
  Case "PE_WhileLoop". eapply E_WhileLoop.
    rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. rewrite -> H. reflexivity.
    eapply IHHpe1. eauto. eapply IHHpe2. eauto.
  Case "PE_While". inversion Heval; subst.
    SCase "E_IfTrue".
      inversion H9. subst. clear H9.
      inversion H10. subst. clear H10.
      eapply ceval_deterministic in H11; [| apply eval_assign]. subst.
      rewrite -> pe_compare_override in Heval'.
      rewrite <- assign_removes in Heval'.
      eapply E_WhileLoop. rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      eapply IHHpe1. eauto.
      eapply IHHpe2. eauto.
    SCase "E_IfFalse". apply ceval_count_sound in Heval'.
      eapply ceval_deterministic in H9; [| apply eval_assign]. subst.
      rewrite <- assign_removes in Heval'.
      inversion H2; subst.
      SSCase "c2'' = SKIP". inversion Heval'. subst. apply E_WhileEnd.
        rewrite -> pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
      SSCase "c2'' = WHILE b1 DO c1 END". assumption.
  Case "PE_WhileFixedEnd". eapply ceval_count_sound. apply Heval'.
  Case "PE_WhileFixedLoop".
    apply loop_never_stops in Heval. inversion Heval.
  Case "PE_WhileFixed".
    clear - Case H1 IHHpe1 IHHpe2 Heval.
    remember (WHILE pe_bexp pe_st b1 DO c1'; c2' END) as c'.
    ceval_cases (induction Heval) SCase;
      inversion Heqc'; subst; clear Heqc'.
    SCase "E_WhileEnd". apply E_WhileEnd.
      rewrite pe_bexp_correct. assumption.
    SCase "E_WhileLoop".
      assert (IHHeval2' := IHHeval2 (refl_equal _)).
      apply ceval_count_complete in IHHeval2'. inversion IHHeval2'.
      clear IHHeval1 IHHeval2 IHHeval2'.
      inversion Heval1. subst.
      eapply E_WhileLoop. rewrite pe_bexp_correct. assumption. eauto.
      eapply IHHpe2. econstructor. eassumption.
      rewrite <- (pe_compare_nil_override _ _ H1). eassumption. apply le_n.

Corollary pe_com_correct:
  forall c pe_st pe_st' c', c / pe_st || c' / pe_st' / SKIP ->
  forall st st'',
  (c / pe_override st pe_st || st'') <->
  (exists st', c' / st || st' /\ pe_override st' pe_st' = st'').
Proof. intros c pe_st pe_st' c' H st st''. split.
  Case "->". intros Heval.
    apply ceval_count_complete in Heval. inversion Heval as [n Heval'].
    apply pe_com_complete with (st:=st) (st'':=st'') (n:=n) in H.
    inversion H as [? ? ? Hskip ?]. inversion Hskip. subst. eauto.
  Case "<-". intros [st' [Heval Heq]]. subst st''.
    eapply pe_com_sound in H. apply H.
    econstructor. apply Heval. apply E'Skip. apply le_n.

End Loop.




フローチャートは基本ブロック(basic blocks)から成ります。これをここでは、帰納型blockで表します。基本ブロックは、代入(コンストラクタAssign)の列の最後に条件ジャンプ(コンストラクタIf)または無条件ジャンプ(コンストラクタGoto)が付いたものです。ジャンプ先は任意の型のラベル(labels)で特定されます。これから、block型をラベルの型でパラメータ化します。

Inductive block (Label:Type) : Type :=
  | Goto : Label -> block Label
  | If : bexp -> Label -> Label -> block Label
  | Assign : id -> aexp -> block Label -> block Label.

Tactic Notation "block_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "Goto" | Case_aux c "If" | Case_aux c "Assign" ].

Implicit Arguments Goto   [[Label]].
Implicit Arguments If     [[Label]].
Implicit Arguments Assign [[Label]].


Inductive parity_label : Type :=
  | entry : parity_label
  | loop  : parity_label
  | body  : parity_label
  | done  : parity_label.


Definition parity_body : block parity_label :=
  Assign Y (AMinus (AId Y) (ANum 1))
   (Assign X (AMinus (ANum 1) (AId X))
     (Goto loop)).


Fixpoint keval {L:Type} (st:state) (k : block L) : state * L :=
  match k with
  | Goto l => (st, l)
  | If b l1 l2 => (st, if beval st b then l1 else l2)
  | Assign i a k => keval (update st i (aeval st a)) k

Example keval_example:
  keval empty_state parity_body
  = (update (update empty_state Y 0) X 1, loop).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.


フローチャートプログラムは単にラベルを基本ブロックに写像する検索関数です。実際には、いくつかのラベルは停止状態(halting states)で、基本ブロックには写像されません。これから、より正確には、ラベルの型がLであるフローチャートprogramLからoption (block L)への関数です。

Definition program (L:Type) : Type := L -> option (block L).

Definition parity : program parity_label := fun l =>
  match l with
  | entry => Some (Assign X (ANum 0) (Goto loop))
  | loop => Some (If (BLe (ANum 1) (AId Y)) body done)
  | body => Some parity_body
  | done => None


Inductive peval {L:Type} (p : program L)
  : state -> L -> state -> L -> Prop :=
  | E_None: forall st l,
    p l = None ->
    peval p st l st l
  | E_Some: forall st l k st' l' st'' l'',
    p l = Some k ->
    keval st k = (st', l') ->
    peval p st' l' st'' l'' ->
    peval p st l st'' l''.

Example parity_eval: peval parity empty_state entry empty_state done.
Proof. erewrite f_equal with (f := fun st => peval _ _ _ st _).
  eapply E_Some. reflexivity. reflexivity.
  eapply E_Some. reflexivity. reflexivity.
  apply E_None. reflexivity.
  apply functional_extensionality. intros i. rewrite update_same; auto.

Tactic Notation "peval_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "E_None" | Case_aux c "E_Some" ].


部分評価はラベルの型を体系的に変更します。もとのラベルの型がLならば、pe_state * Lになります。そして、オリジナルプログラムと同じラベルが、異なる部分状態と対にされることで、複数のラベルに拡大されます。例えば、parityプログラムのラベルloopは2つのラベル:([(X,0), loop)] と([(X,1), loop)] になります。このラベルの型の変更は以前に定義したpe_blockpe_programの型に反映されます。

Fixpoint pe_block {L:Type} (pe_st:pe_state) (k : block L)
  : block (pe_state * L) :=
  match k with
  | Goto l => Goto (pe_st, l)
  | If b l1 l2 =>
    match pe_bexp pe_st b with
    | BTrue  => Goto (pe_st, l1)
    | BFalse => Goto (pe_st, l2)
    | b'     => If b' (pe_st, l1) (pe_st, l2)
  | Assign i a k =>
    match pe_aexp pe_st a with
    | ANum n => pe_block (pe_add pe_st i n) k
    | a' => Assign i a' (pe_block (pe_remove pe_st i) k)

Example pe_block_example:
  pe_block [(X,0)] parity_body
  = Assign Y (AMinus (AId Y) (ANum 1)) (Goto ([(X,1)], loop)).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem pe_block_correct: forall (L:Type) st pe_st k st' pe_st' (l':L),
  keval st (pe_block pe_st k) = (st', (pe_st', l')) ->
  keval (pe_override st pe_st) k = (pe_override st' pe_st', l').
Proof. intros. generalize dependent pe_st. generalize dependent st.
  block_cases (induction k as [l | b l1 l2 | i a k]) Case;
    intros st pe_st H.
  Case "Goto". inversion H; reflexivity.
  Case "If".
    replace (keval st (pe_block pe_st (If b l1 l2)))
       with (keval st (If (pe_bexp pe_st b) (pe_st, l1) (pe_st, l2)))
       in H by (simpl; destruct (pe_bexp pe_st b); reflexivity).
    simpl in *. rewrite pe_bexp_correct.
    destruct (beval st (pe_bexp pe_st b)); inversion H; reflexivity.
  Case "Assign".
    simpl in *. rewrite pe_aexp_correct.
    destruct (pe_aexp pe_st a); simpl;
      try solve [rewrite pe_override_update_add; apply IHk; apply H];
      solve [rewrite pe_override_update_remove; apply IHk; apply H].

Definition pe_program {L:Type} (p : program L)
  : program (pe_state * L) :=
  fun pe_l => match pe_l with (pe_st, l) =>
                option_map (pe_block pe_st) (p l)

Inductive pe_peval {L:Type} (p : program L)
  (st:state) (pe_st:pe_state) (l:L) (st'o:state) (l':L) : Prop :=
  | pe_peval_intro : forall st' pe_st',
    peval (pe_program p) st (pe_st, l) st' (pe_st', l') ->
    pe_override st' pe_st' = st'o ->
    pe_peval p st pe_st l st'o l'.

Theorem pe_program_correct:
  forall (L:Type) (p : program L) st pe_st l st'o l',
  peval p (pe_override st pe_st) l st'o l' <->
  pe_peval p st pe_st l st'o l'.
Proof. intros.
  split; [Case "->" | Case "<-"].
  Case "->". intros Heval.
    remember (pe_override st pe_st) as sto.
    generalize dependent pe_st. generalize dependent st.
    peval_cases (induction Heval as
      [ sto l Hlookup | sto l k st'o l' st''o l'' Hlookup Hkeval Heval ])
      SCase; intros st pe_st Heqsto; subst sto.
    SCase "E_None". eapply pe_peval_intro. apply E_None.
      simpl. rewrite Hlookup. reflexivity. reflexivity.
    SCase "E_Some".
      remember (keval st (pe_block pe_st k)) as x.
      destruct x as [st' [pe_st' l'_]].
      symmetry in Heqx. erewrite pe_block_correct in Hkeval by apply Heqx.
      inversion Hkeval. subst st'o l'_. clear Hkeval.
      edestruct IHHeval. reflexivity. subst st''o. clear IHHeval.
      eapply pe_peval_intro; [| reflexivity]. eapply E_Some; eauto.
      simpl. rewrite Hlookup. reflexivity.
  Case "<-". intros [st' pe_st' Heval Heqst'o].
    remember (pe_st, l) as pe_st_l.
    remember (pe_st', l') as pe_st'_l'.
    generalize dependent pe_st. generalize dependent l.
    peval_cases (induction Heval as
      [ st [pe_st_ l_] Hlookup
      | st [pe_st_ l_] pe_k st' [pe_st'_ l'_] st'' [pe_st'' l'']
        Hlookup Hkeval Heval ])
      SCase; intros l pe_st Heqpe_st_l;
      inversion Heqpe_st_l; inversion Heqpe_st'_l'; repeat subst.
    SCase "E_None". apply E_None. simpl in Hlookup.
      destruct (p l'); [ solve [ inversion Hlookup ] | reflexivity ].
    SCase "E_Some".
      simpl in Hlookup. remember (p l) as k.
      destruct k as [k|]; inversion Hlookup; subst.
      eapply E_Some; eauto. apply pe_block_correct. apply Hkeval.