Records_J: STLCにレコードを追加する

Require Export Stlc_J.
Require Import Relations.





t ::=                          項:
    | ...
    | {i1=t1, ..., in=tn}         レコード
    | t.i                         射影

v ::=                          値:
    | ...
    | {i1=v1, ..., in=vn}         レコード値

T ::=                          型:
    | ...
    | {i1:T1, ..., in:Tn}         レコード型


                             ti ==> ti'                            (ST_Rcd)
{i1=v1, ..., im=vm, in=tn, ...} ==> {i1=v1, ..., im=vm, in=tn', ...}

                             t1 ==> t1'
                           --------------                        (ST_Proj1)
                           t1.i ==> t1'.i

                      -------------------------                (ST_ProjRcd)
                      {..., i=vi, ...}.i ==> vi


  Gamma |- t1 : T1     ...     Gamma |- tn : Tn
--------------------------------------------------         (T_Rcd)
Gamma |- {i1=t1, ..., in=tn} : {i1:T1, ..., in:Tn}

          Gamma |- t : {..., i:Ti, ...}
          -----------------------------                   (T_Proj)
                Gamma |- t.i : Ti


Module STLCExtendedRecords.



Module FirstTry.

Definition alist (X : Type) := list (id * X).

Inductive ty : Type :=
  | ty_base     : id -> ty
  | ty_arrow    : ty -> ty -> ty
  | ty_rcd      : (alist ty) -> ty.

残念ながら、ここで Coq の限界につきあたりました。この型は期待する帰納原理を自動的には提供してくれないのです。ty_rcdの場合の帰納法の仮定はリストのty要素について何の情報も提供してくれないのです。このせいで、行いたい証明に対してこの型は役に立たなくなっています。

forall t : ty, P t

(* Check ty_ind.
    ty_ind :
      forall P : ty -> Prop,
        (forall i : id, P (ty_base i)) ->
        (forall t : ty, P t -> forall t0 : ty, P t0 -> P (ty_arrow t t0)) ->
        (forall a : alist ty, P (ty_rcd a)) ->    (* ??? *)
        forall t : ty, P t

End FirstTry.



Inductive ty : Type :=
  | ty_base : id -> ty
  | ty_arrow : ty -> ty -> ty
  | ty_rnil : ty
  | ty_rcons : id -> ty -> ty -> ty.

Tactic Notation "ty_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "ty_base" | Case_aux c "ty_arrow"
  | Case_aux c "ty_rnil" | Case_aux c "ty_rcons" ].


Inductive tm : Type :=
  | tm_var : id -> tm
  | tm_app : tm -> tm -> tm
  | tm_abs : id -> ty -> tm -> tm

  (* レコード *)

| tm_proj : tm -> id -> tm
  | tm_rnil :  tm
  | tm_rcons : id -> tm -> tm -> tm.

Tactic Notation "tm_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "tm_var" | Case_aux c "tm_app" | Case_aux c "tm_abs"
  | Case_aux c "tm_proj" | Case_aux c "tm_rnil" | Case_aux c "tm_rcons" ].

Some variables, for examples...


Notation a := (Id 0).
Notation f := (Id 1).
Notation g := (Id 2).
Notation l := (Id 3).
Notation A := (ty_base (Id 4)).
Notation B := (ty_base (Id 5)).
Notation k := (Id 6).
Notation i1 := (Id 7).
Notation i2 := (Id 8).

{ i1:A }

(* Check (ty_rcons i1 A ty_rnil). *)

{ i1:A->B, i2:A }

(* Check (ty_rcons i1 (ty_arrow A B)
           (ty_rcons i2 A ty_rnil)). *)


レコードの抽象構文を(リストから nil/cons 構成に)一般化すると、次のような奇妙な型を書くことがができるようになります。

Definition weird_type := ty_rcons X A B.




Inductive record_ty : ty -> Prop :=
  | rty_nil :
        record_ty ty_rnil
  | rty_cons : forall i T1 T2,
        record_ty (ty_rcons i T1 T2).


Inductive record_tm : tm -> Prop :=
  | rtm_nil :
        record_tm tm_rnil
  | rtm_cons : forall i t1 t2,
        record_tm (tm_rcons i t1 t2).



LATER : should they fill in part of this as an exercise? Wedidn’t give rules for it above


Inductive well_formed_ty : ty -> Prop :=
  | wfty_base : forall i,
        well_formed_ty (ty_base i)
  | wfty_arrow : forall T1 T2,
        well_formed_ty T1 ->
        well_formed_ty T2 ->
        well_formed_ty (ty_arrow T1 T2)
  | wfty_rnil :
        well_formed_ty ty_rnil
  | wfty_rcons : forall i T1 T2,
        well_formed_ty T1 ->
        well_formed_ty T2 ->
        record_ty T2 ->
        well_formed_ty (ty_rcons i T1 T2).

Hint Constructors record_ty record_tm well_formed_ty.


Fixpoint subst (x:id) (s:tm) (t:tm) : tm :=
  match t with
  | tm_var y => if beq_id x y then s else t
  | tm_abs y T t1 =>  tm_abs y T (if beq_id x y then t1 else (subst x s t1))
  | tm_app t1 t2 => tm_app (subst x s t1) (subst x s t2)
  | tm_proj t1 i => tm_proj (subst x s t1) i
  | tm_rnil => tm_rnil
  | tm_rcons i t1 tr1 => tm_rcons i (subst x s t1) (subst x s tr1)



Inductive value : tm -> Prop :=
  | v_abs : forall x T11 t12,
      value (tm_abs x T11 t12)
  | v_rnil : value tm_rnil
  | v_rcons : forall i v1 vr,
      value v1 ->
      value vr ->
      value (tm_rcons i v1 vr).

Hint Constructors value.


Fixpoint ty_lookup (i:id) (Tr:ty) : option ty :=
  match Tr with
  | ty_rcons i' T Tr' => if beq_id i i' then Some T else ty_lookup i Tr'
  | _ => None

Fixpoint tm_lookup (i:id) (tr:tm) : option tm :=
  match tr with
  | tm_rcons i' t tr' => if beq_id i i' then Some t else tm_lookup i tr'
  | _ => None


Reserved Notation "t1 '==>' t2" (at level 40).

Inductive step : tm -> tm -> Prop :=
  | ST_AppAbs : forall x T11 t12 v2,
         value v2 ->
         (tm_app (tm_abs x T11 t12) v2) ==> (subst x v2 t12)
  | ST_App1 : forall t1 t1' t2,
         t1 ==> t1' ->
         (tm_app t1 t2) ==> (tm_app t1' t2)
  | ST_App2 : forall v1 t2 t2',
         value v1 ->
         t2 ==> t2' ->
         (tm_app v1 t2) ==> (tm_app v1 t2')
  | ST_Proj1 : forall t1 t1' i,
        t1 ==> t1' ->
        (tm_proj t1 i) ==> (tm_proj t1' i)
  | ST_ProjRcd : forall tr i vi,
        value tr ->
        tm_lookup i tr = Some vi ->
        (tm_proj tr i) ==> vi
  | ST_Rcd_Head : forall i t1 t1' tr2,
        t1 ==> t1' ->
        (tm_rcons i t1 tr2) ==> (tm_rcons i t1' tr2)
  | ST_Rcd_Tail : forall i v1 tr2 tr2',
        value v1 ->
        tr2 ==> tr2' ->
        (tm_rcons i v1 tr2) ==> (tm_rcons i v1 tr2')

where "t1 '==>' t2" := (step t1 t2).

Tactic Notation "step_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "ST_AppAbs" | Case_aux c "ST_App1" | Case_aux c "ST_App2"
  | Case_aux c "ST_Proj1" | Case_aux c "ST_ProjRcd"
  | Case_aux c "ST_Rcd_Head" | Case_aux c "ST_Rcd_Tail" ].

Notation stepmany := (refl_step_closure step).
Notation "t1 '==>*' t2" := (stepmany t1 t2) (at level 40).

Hint Constructors step.


Definition context := partial_map ty.


ここでは、has_type Gamma t Tが成立するときは常にwell_formed_ty Tが成立するようにしたいところです。つまり、has_typeは項にill-formed型を割当てることはないようにするということです。このことを後で実際に証明します。


例えば、T_Varの場合、well_formed_ty Tをチェックします。なぜなら、Tの形がwell-formedであることを調べる帰納的なhas_typeの呼び出しがないからです。同様にT_Absの場合、well_formed_ty T11の証明を必要とします。なぜなら、has_typeの帰納的呼び出しはT12がwell-formedであることだけを保証するからです。


Inductive has_type : context -> tm -> ty -> Prop :=
  | T_Var : forall Gamma x T,
      Gamma x = Some T ->
      well_formed_ty T ->
      has_type Gamma (tm_var x) T
  | T_Abs : forall Gamma x T11 T12 t12,
      well_formed_ty T11 ->
      has_type (extend Gamma x T11) t12 T12 ->
      has_type Gamma (tm_abs x T11 t12) (ty_arrow T11 T12)
  | T_App : forall T1 T2 Gamma t1 t2,
      has_type Gamma t1 (ty_arrow T1 T2) ->
      has_type Gamma t2 T1 ->
      has_type Gamma (tm_app t1 t2) T2

  | T_Proj : forall Gamma i t Ti Tr,
      has_type Gamma t Tr ->
      ty_lookup i Tr = Some Ti ->
      has_type Gamma (tm_proj t i) Ti
  | T_RNil : forall Gamma,
      has_type Gamma tm_rnil ty_rnil
  | T_RCons : forall Gamma i t T tr Tr,
      has_type Gamma t T ->
      has_type Gamma tr Tr ->
      record_ty Tr ->
      record_tm tr ->
      has_type Gamma (tm_rcons i t tr) (ty_rcons i T Tr).

Hint Constructors has_type.

Tactic Notation "has_type_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "T_Var" | Case_aux c "T_Abs" | Case_aux c "T_App"
  | Case_aux c "T_Proj" | Case_aux c "T_RNil" | Case_aux c "T_RCons" ].

練習問題: ★★ (examples)


証明の中ではCoq の自動化機能を自由に使って構いません。しかし、もし型システムがどのように動作するか確信できていないなら、最初に基本機能(特にeapplyではなくapply)を使った証明を行い、次に自動化を使ってその証明を圧縮するのがよいかもしれません。

Lemma typing_example_2 :
  has_type empty
    (tm_app (tm_abs a (ty_rcons i1 (ty_arrow A A)
                      (ty_rcons i2 (ty_arrow B B)
              (tm_proj (tm_var a) i2))
            (tm_rcons i1 (tm_abs a A (tm_var a))
            (tm_rcons i2 (tm_abs a B (tm_var a))
    (ty_arrow B B).
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.


Example typing_nonexample :
  ~ exists T,
      has_type (extend empty a (ty_rcons i2 (ty_arrow A A)
               (tm_rcons i1 (tm_abs a B (tm_var a)) (tm_var a))
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Example typing_nonexample_2 : forall y,
  ~ exists T,
    has_type (extend empty y A)
           (tm_app (tm_abs a (ty_rcons i1 A ty_rnil)
                     (tm_proj (tm_var a) i1))
                   (tm_rcons i1 (tm_var y) (tm_rcons i2 (tm_var y) tm_rnil)))
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.




Lemma wf_rcd_lookup : forall i T Ti,
  well_formed_ty T ->
  ty_lookup i T = Some Ti ->
  well_formed_ty Ti.
Proof with eauto.
  intros i T.
  ty_cases (induction T) Case; intros; try solve by inversion.
  Case "ty_rcons".
    inversion H. subst. unfold ty_lookup in H0.
    remember (beq_id i i0) as b. destruct b; subst...
    inversion H0. subst...  Qed.

Lemma step_preserves_record_tm : forall tr tr',
  record_tm tr ->
  tr ==> tr' ->
  record_tm tr'.
  intros tr tr' Hrt Hstp.
  inversion Hrt; subst; inversion Hstp; subst; auto.

Lemma has_type__wf : forall Gamma t T,
  has_type Gamma t T -> well_formed_ty T.
Proof with eauto.
  intros Gamma t T Htyp.
  has_type_cases (induction Htyp) Case...
  Case "T_App".
    inversion IHHtyp1...
  Case "T_Proj".
    eapply wf_rcd_lookup...


補題: もしempty |- v : Tで、かつty_lookup i TSome Tiを返すならば,tm_lookup i vはある項tiについてSome tiを返す。ただし、has_type empty ti Tiとなる。

証明: 型の導出Htypについての帰納法で証明する。ty_lookup i T = Some Tiであることから、Tはレコード型でなければならない。このこととvが値であることから、ほとんどの場合は精査で除去でき、T_RConsの場合だけが残る。

型導出の最後のステップがT_RConsによるものであるとき、あるi0ttrTTrについてt = tm_rcons i0 t trかつT = ty_rcons i0 T Trである。

このとき2つの可能性が残る。i0 = iか、そうでないかである。

  • i = i0のとき、ty_lookup i (ty_rcons i0 T Tr) = Some TiからT = Tiとなる。これからt自身が定理を満たすことが言える。

  • 一方、i <> i0とする。すると

    ty_lookup i T = ty_lookup i Tr


tm_lookup i t = tm_lookup i tr


Lemma lookup_field_in_value : forall v T i Ti,
  value v ->
  has_type empty v T ->
  ty_lookup i T = Some Ti ->
  exists ti, tm_lookup i v = Some ti /\ has_type empty ti Ti.
Proof with eauto.
  intros v T i Ti Hval Htyp Hget.
  remember (@empty ty) as Gamma.
  has_type_cases (induction Htyp) Case; subst; try solve by inversion...
  Case "T_RCons".
    simpl in Hget. simpl. destruct (beq_id i i0).
    SCase "i is first".
      simpl. inversion Hget. subst.
      exists t...
    SCase "get tail".
      destruct IHHtyp2 as [vi [Hgeti Htypi]]...
      inversion Hval... Qed.


Theorem progress : forall t T,
     has_type empty t T ->
     value t \/ exists t', t ==> t'.
Proof with eauto.

  intros t T Ht.
  remember (@empty ty) as Gamma.
  generalize dependent HeqGamma.
  has_type_cases (induction Ht) Case; intros HeqGamma; subst.
  Case "T_Var".

    inversion H.
  Case "T_Abs".

  Case "T_App".

    destruct IHHt1; subst...
    SCase "t1 is a value".
      destruct IHHt2; subst...
      SSCase "t2 is a value".

        inversion H; subst; try (solve by inversion).
        exists (subst x t2 t12)...
      SSCase "t2 steps".

        destruct H0 as [t2' Hstp]. exists (tm_app t1 t2')...
    SCase "t1 steps".

      destruct H as [t1' Hstp]. exists (tm_app t1' t2)...
  Case "T_Proj".

    right. destruct IHHt...
    SCase "rcd is value".

      destruct (lookup_field_in_value _ _ _ _ H0 Ht H) as [ti [Hlkup _]].
      exists ti...
    SCase "rcd_steps".

      destruct H0 as [t' Hstp]. exists (tm_proj t' i)...
  Case "T_RNil".

  Case "T_RCons".

    destruct IHHt1...
    SCase "head is a value".
      destruct IHHt2; try reflexivity.
      SSCase "tail is a value".

      SSCase "tail steps".

        right. destruct H2 as [tr' Hstp].
        exists (tm_rcons i t tr')...
    SCase "head steps".

      right. destruct H1 as [t' Hstp].
      exists (tm_rcons i t' tr)...  Qed.


Inductive appears_free_in : id -> tm -> Prop :=
  | afi_var : forall x,
      appears_free_in x (tm_var x)
  | afi_app1 : forall x t1 t2,
      appears_free_in x t1 -> appears_free_in x (tm_app t1 t2)
  | afi_app2 : forall x t1 t2,
      appears_free_in x t2 -> appears_free_in x (tm_app t1 t2)
  | afi_abs : forall x y T11 t12,
        y <> x  ->
        appears_free_in x t12 ->
        appears_free_in x (tm_abs y T11 t12)
  | afi_proj : forall x t i,
     appears_free_in x t ->
     appears_free_in x (tm_proj t i)
  | afi_rhead : forall x i ti tr,
      appears_free_in x ti ->
      appears_free_in x (tm_rcons i ti tr)
  | afi_rtail : forall x i ti tr,
      appears_free_in x tr ->
      appears_free_in x (tm_rcons i ti tr).

Hint Constructors appears_free_in.

Lemma context_invariance : forall Gamma Gamma' t S,
     has_type Gamma t S  ->
     (forall x, appears_free_in x t -> Gamma x = Gamma' x)  ->
     has_type Gamma' t S.
Proof with eauto.
  intros. generalize dependent Gamma'.
  has_type_cases (induction H) Case;
    intros Gamma' Heqv...
  Case "T_Var".
    apply T_Var... rewrite <- Heqv...
  Case "T_Abs".
    apply T_Abs... apply IHhas_type. intros y Hafi.
    unfold extend. remember (beq_id x y) as e.
    destruct e...
  Case "T_App".
    apply T_App with T1...
  Case "T_RCons".
    apply T_RCons...  Qed.

Lemma free_in_context : forall x t T Gamma,
   appears_free_in x t ->
   has_type Gamma t T ->
   exists T', Gamma x = Some T'.
Proof with eauto.
  intros x t T Gamma Hafi Htyp.
  has_type_cases (induction Htyp) Case; inversion Hafi; subst...
  Case "T_Abs".
    destruct IHHtyp as [T' Hctx]... exists T'.
    unfold extend in Hctx.
    apply not_eq_beq_id_false in H3. rewrite H3 in Hctx...


Lemma substitution_preserves_typing : forall Gamma x U v t S,
     has_type (extend Gamma x U) t S  ->
     has_type empty v U   ->
     has_type Gamma (subst x v t) S.
Proof with eauto.

  intros Gamma x U v t S Htypt Htypv.
  generalize dependent Gamma. generalize dependent S.

  tm_cases (induction t) Case;
    intros S Gamma Htypt; simpl; inversion Htypt; subst...
  Case "tm_var".
    simpl. rename i into y.

    remember (beq_id x y) as e. destruct e.
    SCase "x=y".

      apply beq_id_eq in Heqe. subst.
      unfold extend in H0. rewrite <- beq_id_refl in H0.
      inversion H0; subst. clear H0.
      eapply context_invariance...
      intros x Hcontra.
      destruct (free_in_context _ _ S empty Hcontra) as [T' HT']...
      inversion HT'.
    SCase "x<>y".

      apply T_Var... unfold extend in H0. rewrite <- Heqe in H0...
  Case "tm_abs".
    rename i into y. rename t into T11.

    apply T_Abs...
    remember (beq_id x y) as e. destruct e.
    SCase "x=y".

      eapply context_invariance...
      apply beq_id_eq in Heqe. subst.
      intros x Hafi. unfold extend.
      destruct (beq_id y x)...
    SCase "x<>y".

      apply IHt. eapply context_invariance...
      intros z Hafi. unfold extend.
      remember (beq_id y z) as e0. destruct e0...
      apply beq_id_eq in Heqe0. subst.
      rewrite <- Heqe...
  Case "tm_rcons".
    apply T_RCons... inversion H7; subst; simpl...

Theorem preservation : forall t t' T,
     has_type empty t T  ->
     t ==> t'  ->
     has_type empty t' T.
Proof with eauto.
  intros t t' T HT.

  remember (@empty ty) as Gamma. generalize dependent HeqGamma.
  generalize dependent t'.

  has_type_cases (induction HT) Case;
    intros t' HeqGamma HE; subst; inversion HE; subst...
  Case "T_App".

    inversion HE; subst...
    SCase "ST_AppAbs".

      apply substitution_preserves_typing with T1...
      inversion HT1...
  Case "T_Proj".

    destruct (lookup_field_in_value _ _ _ _ H2 HT H)
      as [vi [Hget Htyp]].
    rewrite H4 in Hget. inversion Hget. subst...
  Case "T_RCons".

    apply T_RCons... eapply step_preserves_record_tm...

End STLCExtendedRecords.