Agdaはこちら -> ネタ記録庫/Agda from にわとり小屋でのプログラミング日記
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Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont and Paul Taylor
Coqで "Hello, world!" を標準出力させるのはちょっと難しい。
(*Coqのスタンダードライブラリより*) Inductive ascii : Set := Ascii (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : bool). Inductive string : Set := | EmptyString : string | String : ascii -> string -> string.
(* Coqのコード *) Require Import Ascii. Require Import Strings. Definition aH := Ascii false false false true false false true false. Definition ae := Ascii true false true false false true true false. Definition al := Ascii false false true true false true true false. Definition ao := Ascii true true true true false true true false. Definition aCMM := Ascii false false true true false true false false. Definition aSPC := Ascii false false false false false true false false. Definition aw := Ascii true true true false true true true false. Definition ar := Ascii false true false false true true true false. Definition ad := Ascii false false true false false true true false. Definition aEXCLAM := Ascii true false false false false true false false. Definition aLF := Ascii false true false true false false false false.
(* Coqのコード *) Require Import Ascii. Require Import Strings. Require Import coqstring. Definition msg := String aH (String ae (String al (String al (String ao (String aCMM (String aSPC (String aw (String ao (String ar (String al (String ad (String aEXCLAM (String aLF EmptyString))))))))))))). Extraction "" nat_of_ascii msg.
(* これは上にあるCoqのコードから自動的に生成されたOCamlのコードである。 *) type bool = | True | False type nat = | O | S of nat (** val plus : nat -> nat -> nat **) let rec plus n m = match n with | O -> m | S p -> S (plus p m) (** val mult : nat -> nat -> nat **) let rec mult n m = match n with | O -> O | S p -> plus m (mult p m) type ascii = | Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool (** val nat_of_ascii : ascii -> nat **) let nat_of_ascii = function | Ascii (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) -> plus (mult (S (S O)) (plus (mult (S (S O)) (plus (mult (S (S O)) (plus (mult (S (S O)) (plus (mult (S (S O)) (plus (mult (S (S O)) (plus (mult (S (S O)) (match a8 with | True -> S O | False -> O)) (match a7 with | True -> S O | False -> O))) (match a6 with | True -> S O | False -> O))) (match a5 with | True -> S O | False -> O))) (match a4 with | True -> S O | False -> O))) (match a3 with | True -> S O | False -> O))) (match a2 with | True -> S O | False -> O))) (match a1 with | True -> S O | False -> O) type string = | EmptyString | String of ascii * string (** val aH : ascii **) let aH = Ascii (False, False, False, True, False, False, True, False) (** val ae : ascii **) let ae = Ascii (True, False, True, False, False, True, True, False) (** val al : ascii **) let al = Ascii (False, False, True, True, False, True, True, False) (** val ao : ascii **) let ao = Ascii (True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False) (** val aCMM : ascii **) let aCMM = Ascii (False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False) (** val aSPC : ascii **) let aSPC = Ascii (False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False) (** val aw : ascii **) let aw = Ascii (True, True, True, False, True, True, True, False) (** val ar : ascii **) let ar = Ascii (False, True, False, False, True, True, True, False) (** val ad : ascii **) let ad = Ascii (False, False, True, False, False, True, True, False) (** val aEXCLAM : ascii **) let aEXCLAM = Ascii (True, False, False, False, False, True, False, False) (** val aLF : ascii **) let aLF = Ascii (False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False) (** val msg : string **) let msg = String (aH, (String (ae, (String (al, (String (al, (String (ao, (String (aCMM, (String (aSPC, (String (aw, (String (ao, (String (ar, (String (al, (String (ad, (String (aEXCLAM, (String (aLF, EmptyString)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
(* OCamlのコード *) module Coq = Coqhelloworld let rec int_of_nat = function | Coq.O -> 0 | Coq.S p -> 1 + (int_of_nat p) let length coqstr = let rec length_aux n = function | Coq.EmptyString -> n | Coq.String (_, tl) -> length_aux (1+n) tl in length_aux 0 coqstr let char_of_ascii a = char_of_int (int_of_nat (Coq.nat_of_ascii a)) let string_of_coqstring coqstr = let n = length coqstr in let s = String.create n in let rec aux i = function | Coq.EmptyString -> () | Coq.String (hd, tl) -> s.[i] <- char_of_ascii hd; aux (i+1) tl in aux 0 coqstr; s;; print_string (string_of_coqstring Coq.msg);;
Hello, world!